
Functional Movement Screening

Asymmetries of strength and flexibility or compensatory changes that have occurred following previous injury are all risk factors for further injury.

Functional movement screening is a useful tool utilised by our physiotherapists to identify these side-to-side differences which influence the way we move. Low scores on functional movement screening have been shown to be a predictor of injury.

Functional movement screening is best performed pre-season to identify these imbalances and allow sufficient time for reduction of these asymmetries prior to commencement of the season.

The physiotherapist conducting the screen will provide an exercise programme to reduce or eliminate these deficits or imbalances.

The implementation of these exercise programmes are a useful strategy for injury prevention.

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Whether you play sport competitively, socially or just to stay active, get in touch with our team today. We have the expertise to help you get back to your best… and better!